
Monday, 19 December 2011


As Slade would say! So. We’re finally at the Christmas break but can I rest and have a good time? Well, yes I can but I also have an assignment due on the day I come back which means that University is never far away from me! I will just have to find the time to finish off my short story while I am gallivanting across England visiting the best friend, the family, the friends and the Devon family. The Devon family is just my father’s side, who all reside in farming country!

Tiverton - Devon

That’s right. This awkward city girl is awkward because she’s not from the city! Believe me, trying to acclimatise to life in London – the big city! – when you've come from a farm background it is so far from easy. It’s been an experience and one I relish but I will be so happy to run back to my home town, you have no idea. Not to say that living here hasn't been an experience because it has. London has so much to offer and Greenwich in particular is a lovely place to spend my time. It has enough greenery – the park is huge and wonderful and let’s not forget, it is the sight of HORSES come the Olympic Games! – and the people are friendly. Plus, it has that biggest added benefit of being the place where I spend a good portion of my time.

It might be a challenge to find my place here, I’m still searching and knowing me, I’ll find it just before I leave, but it’s a challenge that I take head on. As we swing by into Christmas and in all the festivities and love that I know awaits me, there will still be that part of me that misses my University, my classes and Greenwich.

Dreadnought Library in the snow

There will always be a part of me that will be happy to come back in January. Until then, I will definitely make sure to enjoy myself and immerse myself in the Christmas Spirit and the love of family and friends, and will see you on the other side!

 Have a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!

Wednesday, 7 December 2011

I have my first grade back.

It’s obviously time to knuckle down and actually start doing my work instead of putting it off and working so much. It was a bit disappointing but I found last year was the same – my first grade was disappointing so I worked that much harder in making them better and actually trying to achieve something. It wasn’t terrible, but it was bad enough that I was trying not to be overly disappointed in front of classmates and friends. I’m not sure I fooled anybody but lucky enough I could run to the toilets just after and hyperventilate for about ten minutes.

As you can tell, I don’t take disappointment well at all. Now I’m actually working hard at making something of my writing – I have another assignment due in a week and I’m positive I’m actually going to make this work! It will be the most amazing short story I have ever written and it will get me a good grade. I hope.

I can’t even think about Christmas or my birthday because right now, everything is UNI, UNI, UNI. I’m determined to get my grades and get through this year with at least a 2:1. I know I can do it, I just have to work at pushing myself.

That birthday I spoke about? Seemed to pass in a blur.  I never ask for anything and always feel bad about expensive presents because I feel like I have to reciprocate in a better way – just because I feel guilty about getting nice things! My best friend once took me to Ireland to see my favourite band play at the O2 in Dublin. I won’t mention who they are because it’s a little embarrassing. To return to my point because she did that for me, I decided I had to gift her something just as amazing; and therefore, decided a trip to Rome for a week was in order. It’s now at the point where we try and outdo each other – not for competition, simply because we feel guilty about the expense.

The obvious solution would be to draw a line underneath and start again. I think we've come to some agreement that as we’re both poor, struggling students we’re just going to have to go small! This year her idea of small was to buy me tickets to the Michael McIntyre Christmas Special at the Hammersmith Apollo. I am ridiculously excited but I am under orders to make sure ALL of my assignments are complete before I do so. It’s nice that she has her priorities in order!

That means I need to actually knuckle down and get things sorted because this weekend I’m being taken out for my birthday! It’s definitely going to be a packed week for me from now!

Birthdays are awesome – but they should never come before Uni work!

Wednesday, 16 November 2011

Never make fun of the geeks, one day they will be your boss!

Finally, it’s time for a new blog!

It’s been a long time, both mentally and physically. The new academic year has obviously started and whoever told you that third year is the hardest seems to have forgotten how many times they spent crying and wailing about the second year. I don’t do either of those things because I just tend to talk often and always about how horrible my life is and if my friends had any sense they would kidnap me and hide me until the second year was over. Unfortunately, they are not that nice, but they did offer to take me out for the weekend instead to which I wholeheartedly agreed.

‘Take me out for the weekend’ actually translated to ‘Going to the London Expo Comic Con’. There’s a personal admission for you; I am the geekiest person on the planet. Anything geeky you can think of, I’ve probably done it! Computer programming? I can do it. Anime and Manga? I both know of it, and revel in it. Comic books? I read them. Star Trek or Star Wars? I can give you a PowerPoint presentation on the merits of both. Serious geek here, guys. So it was no surprise that this was to be my break from University woes and worries. I love going to the London Expo because there’s always such an array of amazing people who dress up in all manner of costumes; anime, TV and movie characters galore. It’s an amazing place to spend your weekend and I always come away with a full memory card of photos.

This year, my friends appealed to my love for the new MTV Series Teen Wolf, which of course has the most ridiculous plot in the world with holes the size of the Grand Canyon, but the characters are pretty and their relationships with each other are intriguing. Of these ‘pretty’ actors, I know one of them through a friend in America who went to school with him so I got to practise my patented, “insult the actor until he remembers who you are and, with delight, calls you out.” This happens to be a tried and tested method which my friends both mock and lament at every convention we attend. Whatever, guys. It worked on Dylan and Tyler at this particular convention, and it continues to be a constant thorn in my side where other actors are concerned.

Me with Dylan and Tyler
The weekend was a great success although now my stories tend to deviate towards the supernatural side of life. Not into the realms of Twilight, thankfully, because not even my subconscious would dare lead me down that route. My short story tutor seems to be revelling in my current obsession so thank you, friends, for making a convention yet another source of inspiration for my University work!

I love how my life ties in together quite nicely J

Thursday, 20 October 2011

Please don’t sound like an idiot!

Please don’t sound like an idiot!
That was the only thought running through my head this Saturday as I stood facing Steve Redgrave, five time Olympic gold medallist.
I was working the University of Greenwich Open Day on the Maritime Campus and when I woke up at the horrible time of 6am, I had no idea that this would be the day that I faced a rowing legend and his daughter.  He was showing her around the University and as they came out of the Cutty Sark DLR station, I exchanged looks with my Open Day partner, dumbstruck. It was one of those moments where you’re not sure if you should move and address him or not and by the time you’ve plucked up the courage to do something about it, he’s disappeared off towards the University even after you’ve given him the directions. It was a surreal moment and I think we both dwelled on the experience for a good half an hour before the lunch hour struck and we were far more focussed on eating.
Not two hours later, I was standing in the lobby of the Queen Anne building when I was once again approached by Steve, this time to tell me they had the missed the last accommodation tour and did I mind taking them to catch up. Despite wanting desperately to take Steve myself, I looked for a member of the tour group team and there wasn’t anybody. Letting myself have a private inward cheer, I led Steve through the University and towards the Cutty Sark accommodation halls. Along the way, I had a lovely chat with his daughter who really couldn’t decide which University she wanted to study at, although the course itself was non-negotiable. Mentioning the fact that the equestrian Olympics were being held at Greenwich Park and that I had volunteered to help out, I piqued Steve’s interest. Although reluctant to divert attention from his daughter, whose attention I was trying hard to hold – wanting her to actually come to the University! – I was drawn in by the enthusiastic way Steve talked about the Olympics. We discussed horses and my course and his daughter soon joined in when I started to discuss the University itself and all the amazing things we have around, and all within such a short distance.
It wasn’t until I got to the accommodation and people started whispering and pointing that OMG, that’s Steve Redgrave! That I remember just who I was talking to. Not once did I try and sneak a crafty photo or ask for an autograph and it just goes to show that, being such a lovely down-to-earth and humble man, he really is just like us. Like us with five pieces of gold hanging around his metaphorical neck, but human just the same.
I really hope his daughter does come to Greenwich and that she loves it as much as I do. When someone like Steve Redgrave entertains the possibility of letting his daughter come here (despite it being her choice!), it just goes to show that the University of Greenwich has that something special!