My name is Cherie and I’m in my second year of a three year degree in English and Creative Writing. Not only am I studying a combined degree but I am doing so as a mature student! You wouldn’t think being 26 qualified me as ‘mature’ but unfortunately that is not the case. Fortunately, I do not look 26, a benefit that my mother is convinced comes from my extreme immaturity. That immaturity actually leads to an insatiable curiosity which I am more than happy to channel through my imagination and turn into fiction.
You may have noticed the English part of my degree (something that has nothing to do with Creative Writing) and this is testament to my eternal indecision. I have been in education since I was 4 – so that’s twenty two years of amazing hours sitting in classrooms and listening to people talk. I came out of school and went straight into Media Studies. Clearly, that wasn’t the path for me and I decided I wanted to be a Lawyer. Not cut out for that, my final choice was English and writing. As I’ve been writing since I was 11, it seemed the natural progression to do so full time and as part of a degree!
I get to study that degree at one of the most beautiful campuses I have ever seen – the Greenwich Maritime Campus. It’s one of the best places to study and the perfect avenue for all of these thoughts created up by my amazing surroundings.