
Wednesday, 8 February 2012


So one of my new year’s resolutions was to actually get my University work done and dusted and out of the way before I got too stressed over it. That worked, right up until last weekend. By Wednesday I had 63/3000 words and my essay was due on the Thursday. That was not productive. That was insane and it had never happened to me before. I didn’t actually know what I was doing, to be honest. It is one of those modules where you think you’ve made the right choice but the more the work comes, the less sure you are about your place in the class.

Not to say that I don’t enjoy parts of the lessons or that the tutors are less than stellar at holding my attention because that’s not true. I love most of the lessons and the tutors are really good at holding my interest and making me enjoy the work but I’m just not taking the knowledge on board. I’m really not used to this happening to me. I’m pretty good at learning in general and as someone who has been in education the majority of their life, I should be. I’m just not sure if this class is for me, despite being one of the modules that I was sure would help me on the step to becoming a teacher, as was the back-up decision life choice.

What a mess I’m making of this, huh?

I guess it can’t really be helped. I tackled the essay through Wednesday and Thursday and I did a damn good job to make it worthy of a grade. I hope it was adequate enough for me to scrape a pass. At the point where I had an introduction and an essay plan that I had no idea where to start with, I would pretty much take a scraped pass as proof that I’m not completely useless at this module.

However, I’m not going to let it get me down. The harder I work and the more I try to make this module as interesting as it can be for me and for my work standards, the better off I’ll be. Sometimes you just need to put a lot of effort in to get the payoff. Hopefully I can be better at this resolution than I was at the last!

In slightly less depressing news, I am going home this weekend to spend time with my best friend and my family so hopefully that will be cheery enough. Well. Considering the weather doesn’t get too bad before then. The last thing I need is to get snowed in and be unable to get back to London.

Here’s to hoping everything works out okay J

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